TL;DR Shakespeare by SparkNotes: 9781411480612 - Union Square & Co.

TL;DR Shakespeare

Dynamically illustrated plot and character summaries for 12 of Shakespeare's greatest plays

By SparkNotes (Author)

Series Too Long; Didn't Read


Pub Date 5/31/2022

ISBN 9781411480612

Format Hardcover



TL;DR Shakespeare

Dynamically illustrated plot and character summaries for 12 of Shakespeare's greatest plays

by SparkNotes
More Formats and Editions
This refresher reference volume features concise character and plot summaries for 12 of Shakespeare’s best-known plays, drawn from the SparkNotes website and illustrated with colorful infographics.
Each of the 12 chapters in this volume runs 6 to 8 pages of text taken from the SparkNotes website, and is illustrated with colorful infographics for easy consumption. The 12 plays featured—six comedies and six tragedies—are among the most famous and most taught of Shakespeare’s dramas, including Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, Othello, and Julius Caesar.
Title Details

Pages 96 pages, all in color

Trim 7 x 7 x 0 Inches

Territories World

Category Reference

Carton Quantity 34