The Land That Time Forgot by Edgar Rice Burroughs: 9781435139138 - Union Square & Co.

The Land That Time Forgot

The Land that Time Forgot, The People that Time Forgot, Out of Time's Abyss

By Edgar Rice Burroughs (Author), Mike Ashley (Introduction)


Pub Date 5/1/2012

ISBN 9781435139138

Format EPUB



The Land That Time Forgot

The Land that Time Forgot, The People that Time Forgot, Out of Time's Abyss

by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Mike Ashley
Set during the turmoil of World War I, Edgar Rice Burroughs fantasy The Land that Time Forgot transports readers to an amazing lost world. This attractive new edition contains all three novels in the classic Caspak trilogy--The Land that Time Forgot, The People that Time Forgot, and Out of Times Abyss--as well as Burroughss original map of Caspak and a glossary.
When a German U-boat sinks their ship, British and American survivors commandeer the enemy submarine. Going far off-course into the South Seas, they end up on the mysterious island of Caspak, where savage human tribes exist alongside several species of dinosaurs and other forms of prehistoric life. Will they ever be able to escape?




Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was one of the 20th centurys most popular and prolific writers of science-fiction and fantasy/adventure tales, publishing nearly 70 novels and numerous short stories during his career. Well-known for his 11-book John Carter of Mars series, Burroughs wrote 23 novels in the internationally successful Tarzan series and created numerous other series set everywhere from a lost island plagued by dinosaurs to a mysterious world at the earths core. Authors from Ray Bradbury to Michael Crichton have cited Burroughs as a seminal influence on their work.