The Wizard of Electricity
By David J Kent (Author)
Series Illustrated Lives
Pub Date 7/1/2013
ISBN 9781435142978
Format Hardcover
The Wizard of Electricity
by David J Kent
This illustrated book takes us through Tesla’s life, his experiments and contributions to science, and brings us into his complex mind. Through ample use of his writings and interviews with the societies and inventors clubs that honor his name, we explore Tesla’s methods and discoveries, personality quirks, and his legacy for the modern world – both scientific and popular culture.
David Kent has been a scientist for thirty years and has worked as a consultant in both the United States and Europe. He is actively involved in and commonly speaks at regional, national, and international scientific organizations. He has served as president of regional chapters of both the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA). He has authored or co-authored more than 100 scientific articles and presentations for peer-reviewed journals, technical newsletters, and scientific meetings. In addition to his professional capacity he writes a series of blogs related to science, travel, and politics.