Spirit Healing by Mary Dean Atwood: 9781454926061 - Union Square & Co.

Spirit Healing

By Mary Dean Atwood (Author)


Pub Date 9/12/2017

ISBN 9781454926061

Format EPUB


Follow the Rainbow Path, with this the classic reference to Native American healing—now with an attractive new cover and design.
For centuries, tribal shamans have used these remarkable healing practices to bring spiritual seekers into harmony with the world around them. In keeping with that Native tradition, mystic Mary Dean Atwood uses symbolic stories to illustrate the power of shamanic techniques, and offers detailed guidance to help you change your thought patterns, eliminate mind-cluttering worries, and develop contact with your spirit guide. Master the secrets of rock divination, animal-spirit communication, and message reading—and embark upon a life-altering vision quest to find your higher self.

Mary Dean Atwood, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and unabashed mystic. She began her research into Native American herbs and rituals 25 years ago and developed the ability to see into “second physical” and interpret signs of nature. She was privileged to study with anthropologist Michael Harner, PhD, and Lakota Medicine Man Gary Bear Heals. She still uses Native American practices and is a natural health and "green planet" advocate.

Title Details

Pages 224 pages, all in 2-color

Trim 6 x 8 x 0 Inches

Category Body, Mind & Spirit