Code Your Own Games! by Max Wainewright: 9781454943136 - Union Square & Co.

Code Your Own Games!

20 Games to Create with Scratch

By Max Wainewright (Author)


Pub Date 11/10/2020

ISBN 9781454943136

Format Hardback - concealed wire



Code Your Own Games!

20 Games to Create with Scratch

by Max Wainewright
With the key coding concepts explained in this book, now updated with Scratch Version 3.0, any kid can become a super-coder!

Learn how to code your very own computer games using Scratch software. With easy-to-follow, illustrated step-by-step instructions, create all types of popular games from Snake and Brick Bouncer to driving and action games. Code Your Own Games introduces key coding concepts through simple and practical tasks – from drawing shapes and giving instructions in code to building games and much more! Each chapter progresses in difficulty, yet instructions and explanations are always easy to understand.


Max Wainewright has written more than 20 educational software titles for children. His programs and websites have won a number of awards including BETT, ERA, and Practical Pre-School Gold Awards. Max also used to be a primary school teacher. He lives in London with his wife and two children.

Title Details

Pages 80 pages, all in color

Trim 7.5 x 10 x 0 Inches

Territories US/Can

Category Science & Nature | Puzzles, Games & Activities

Age Range 6 to 11

Carton Quantity 30