The Puzzle Files of Larry Logic
By Dan Katz (Author)
Pub Date 2/28/2023
ISBN 9781454949299
Format Paperback - Concealed Spiral
The Puzzle Files of Larry Logic
by Dan Katz
Dial L for Logic
Film noir meets small-town life in this unique, interconnected book of puzzles, starring Larry Logic, Enigmaville’s most prone-to-dramatic-monologues cop. Every group of puzzles tells a mini-story of a new case, in which all the answers combine into one final whodunit. Each chapter presents new styles of puzzles and new challenges, leading to a dramatic conclusion tracking down the criminal mastermind behind it all.
Film noir meets small-town life in this unique, interconnected book of puzzles, starring Larry Logic, Enigmaville’s most prone-to-dramatic-monologues cop. Every group of puzzles tells a mini-story of a new case, in which all the answers combine into one final whodunit. Each chapter presents new styles of puzzles and new challenges, leading to a dramatic conclusion tracking down the criminal mastermind behind it all.
Dan Katz teaches and coordinates calculus courses at Brown University. Katz has written puzzle hunt puzzles for the MIT Mystery Hunt, the Gen Con Puzzle Hunt, and BAPHL. His puzzles have also appeared in Wired, MAA Focus, Grandmaster Puzzles (, and GAMES World of Puzzles. His most notorious gift to the puzzling community is the follow-the-deranged-directions puzzle format known as the Duck Konundrum, for which he sincerely apologizes.