Little Bit of Self-Care Boxed Set by Amy Leigh Mercree: 9781454951773 - Union Square & Co.

Books for Adults / Health & Fitness

Little Bit of Self-Care Boxed Set

An Essential Toolkit for Spiritual Wellness

By Amy Leigh Mercree (Author), Meagan Stevenson (Author)

Series Little Bit Series


Pub Date 10/24/2023

ISBN 9781454951773

Format Hardcover with Slipcase



Little Bit of Self-Care Boxed Set

An Essential Toolkit for Spiritual Wellness

by Amy Leigh Mercree, Meagan Stevenson
In this fast-paced world that seems tailored to produce short attention spans, it’s important to learn mindfulness techniques for accessing and creating a peaceful inner place. Meditation can decrease anxiety and improve the quality of our experience on Earth, and yoga is still practiced today as a means to physical, mental, and spiritual health.
This Little Bit of Self-Care boxed set includes the introductory knowledge of mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, and presents them with gorgeous diagrams, visuals, and accessible text. With this set, anyone can learn to access a healthier mindset with mindfulness, the practical applications of meditation, and some of the basic postures practiced in yoga. This set is a crucial addition to any person's self-care library.

Amy Leigh Mercree is an author who has been featured in Glamour, Women’s Health, Shape, Soul & Spirit Magazine, Reader’s Digest, and many more publications.

Meagan Stevenson is a hatha-vinyasa power-flow yogi who is 200-hour certified through Studio ANYA.

Title Details

Pages 384 pages, 2-color spot art throughout

Trim 5.25 x 7.25 x 0 Inches

Territories World

Category Body, Mind & Spirit | Health & Fitness