Books for Adults / Science & Nature
By Tom Jackson (Author)
Series Mini Encyclopedia
Pub Date 6/11/2024
ISBN 9781838863593
Format Flexibound
by Tom Jackson
Featuring the surviving species and subspecies, from African bush elephants to Asian pygmy elephants, Elephants explores how these fascinating animals hunt and feed, reproduce, and rear their young, compete, defend each other from predators, and protect the herd.
Elephants is an outstanding collection of photographs and captions showing these majestic animals in their natural habitat in a handy pocket format. You’ll discover how African and Asian elephants differ, but also about the different species or subspecies in each continent. You will learn how herds of female elephants and their young are formed, how they feed and use their tusks—elongated incisor teeth—as weapons or for moving objects or digging, how they use their ears to cool themselves, and how intelligent they are—they’re up there with primates and dolphins. Elephants is a brilliant examination of the world’s largest land mammal that has captured the popular imagination for thousands of years.
Elephants is an outstanding collection of photographs and captions showing these majestic animals in their natural habitat in a handy pocket format. You’ll discover how African and Asian elephants differ, but also about the different species or subspecies in each continent. You will learn how herds of female elephants and their young are formed, how they feed and use their tusks—elongated incisor teeth—as weapons or for moving objects or digging, how they use their ears to cool themselves, and how intelligent they are—they’re up there with primates and dolphins. Elephants is a brilliant examination of the world’s largest land mammal that has captured the popular imagination for thousands of years.
Tom Jackson is a leading natural history writer based in the United Kingdom. As an author and contributor, he has worked on more than 60 books. A zoology graduate from the University of Bristol, he has also worked as a zookeeper and in safari parks in Zimbabwe.