Penguins by Tom Jackson: 9781838863609 - Union Square & Co.

Books for Adults / Science & Nature


By Tom Jackson (Author)

Series Mini Encyclopedia


Pub Date 6/11/2024

ISBN 9781838863609

Format Flexibound


With full captions explaining how these animals hunt and feed, rear their young, and cope with such adverse weather conditions, Penguins is a brilliant examination in outstanding color photographs of this fascinating animal.
Penguins is a handy pocket-size guide showing these intriguing animals in their natural habitat. You’ll discover how penguins survive the frozen Antarctic; their short outer feathers overlap, like tiles on a roof, to form a thick waterproof layer, and underneath are fluffier feathers for warmth. They also huddle together to keep warm. How do penguins sleep? They take short naps during the day and evening. They have the unique ability to sleep while standing up or in the water. Penguins features a variety of species, from the Emperor, Chinstrap, and Adélie penguins in the Antarctic to the Magellanic, Southern Rockhopper, and Yellow-Crested Macaroni penguins of Chile.

Tom Jackson is a leading natural history writer based in the United Kingdom. As an author and contributor, he has worked on more than 60 books. A zoology graduate from the University of Bristol, he has also worked as a zookeeper and in safari parks in Zimbabwe.

Title Details

Pages 224 pages, 150 color photos

Trim 4.93 x 6.62 x 0 Inches

Territories US/Can/Mexico/South & Central America

Category Science & Nature

Carton Quantity 32