Take it... Sloth! by Chiara Piroddi: 9788854417649 - Union Square & Co.

Take it... Sloth!

Activities to Learn Patience and Slowing Down

By Chiara Piroddi (Author), Federica Nuccio (Illustrator), Roberta Vottero (Illustrator)


Pub Date 3/15/2022

ISBN 9788854417649

Format Paperback



Take it... Sloth!

Activities to Learn Patience and Slowing Down

by Chiara Piroddi, Federica Nuccio, Roberta Vottero
This book is full of fun, practical, creative activities that are designed to develop fine motor skills and increase attention and concentration.

Throughout the book, children will be guided by the kindest, sweetest, calmest sloth in all the jungle: Quick! Intrigued and perhaps even a little annoyed by all the noise he hears and sees day after day in the jungle, as he hangs upside down from a branch, Quick has decided to descend from his cacao tree. As he heads to a new plant, one slow step at a time, he meets plenty of hurried, bumbling, impatient friends. Join him on this adventure and discover how he reacts. He will teach his fellow animals how to appreciate the virtues of calmness and reflection, to follow his motto "Take it . . . sloth!"

Chiara Piroddi is a psychologist and expert in neuropsychology, specializing in cognitive-evolutionary psychotherapy. She graduated in psychology at the University of Pavia in 2007, and completed her practical training at the Niguarda Hospital. She has written several books for White Star Kids. 

Federica Nuccio and Roberta Vottero have worked together at funnybooksproject.com since 2006. They create illustrations and projects for children's books and have also created interactive cd-roms and animation.

Title Details

Pages 40 pages, all in color

Trim 8.5 x 10.7 x 0 Inches

Territories US/Can

Category Puzzles, Games & Activities

Age Range 4 to 6