The Great Book of Dragon Legends by Tea Orsi: 9788854418363 - Union Square & Co.

Books for Children / Fiction

The Great Book of Dragon Legends

By Tea Orsi (Author), Anna Láng (Illustrator)


Pub Date 1/3/2023

ISBN 9788854418363

Format Hardcover



The Great Book of Dragon Legends

by Tea Orsi, Anna Láng
From the legend of Cuca (Portugal) to those of Vritra (India) and Amaru (Peru), here are fantastical stories of dragons from every corner of the world.
Wise companions of gods and goddesses, defenders of nature or witty and sharp monsters, enemies of heroes and knights—dragons are fascinating creatures that fill the pages of myths, legends, and folklore. From Northern European tales to Chinese and Japanese myths, The Great Book of Dragon Legends features 16 short stories that children can easily dip into and out of.

Tea Orsi loved to write and illustrate stories from when she was a young girl. She currently works as a screenwriter for an animated TV series, and as an author of comics, books, and magazines for children. She lives in Parma with her family and two little dogs and loves traveling the world in search of ideas and details that can inspire new stories to tell.
Anna Láng is a Hungarian graphic designer and illustrator who currently lives and works in Sardinia. After attending the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest, she graduated as a graphic designer in 2011. In recent years she has brilliantly illustrated a number of titles for White Star Kids.

Title Details

Pages 64 pages, all in color

Trim 9.25 x 11.6 x 0 Inches

Territories US Only

Category Fiction

Age Range 7 and up